

I was touched directly today by two of the most influential coaches in my life.

1- Dick Licare, He lead and championed countless teams at Lawrence Central Catholic, and taught me that with persistence and prepartion, nothing is impossible.

2-  Also out of my old world roots. My coach at MVC Basketball School Tom Thibodeau,  now of the Chicago Bulls, was voted coach of the year in the NBA. Tom of simple roots, embodies the passionate pursuit of excellence. He works longer and harder and with more conviction than anyone I know.

These two men, along with a lot of other champions of the spirit taught me the warrior’s dance.  They left on me an indelible conviction that nothing, nothing, was impossible if you you were willing to do more work, endure more sacrifice and stretch your limits beyond your comfort zone.

Thanks Dick, Thanks Tom,

I’m carrying the torch



2 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. Bochezzzzzz


    Ah, local Merrimack Valley and Central Catholic legend that is Dick Licare. Son of former great North Andover H.S. and hall of fame coach Dick Licare Sr. The man knew his basketball fundamentals and knew how to coach young student athletes.

    Peace, Strength, Honor

    1. Cris Post author

      Johny B. We are lucky to have come out of such solid mold. What he taught us about preparation, persistence and tenacity is in me and on me for life.
      Dick and I working on a Five Pillar Program in Dallas for his sales associates. Keep SUPing!

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