The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter

Labor day has come and gone, summer as we know it is over. New schedules, routines, resetting normal….A natural opportunity to pause, reflect and consider what ways you’de like to see your life change, shift and improve.

I woke extra early this morning, upper body sore from yesterday’s paddleboard race, lower body sore from the long hilly hike in the canyon, and caffeinated spirit chomping at the bit.

The remedy for my achy body and the hyper-active spirit: a 15 minute soack in the jacuzzie and a ten minute steam at the Sporting Club in UTC, just a mile from my house.  I was the only person in the spa for most of the time, the heat stimulated the much needed physical healing and the quiet solitude was a perfect environment for morning prayer, dreaming and focusing.

Historically, I would have been back on my board or at a swim practice or overly wrapped up in a well intentioned work project by sun up.  Today, a 30 minute waking meditation, honoring my 42 yr old body that continues to serve me well, my maker who has given me so much and the new season ahead which holds so much promise.

My wish for each of you is a great fall, filled with potent memories of a magical summer that sustain on cool nights, righteous dreams/ambitions for the days ahead and a deep sense groundedness and contentment for whatever you are doing and whoever you are with Right Now.


Be well, Do good work and Keep in touch,



2 thoughts on “The Next Chapter

  1. Diane Hirakawa

    Recently, I started reading some of your thoughts at this sight. I soooo need your peaceful attitude and reminder to appreciate all that I have and NOT the sole 1 thing I feel that I’m missing. Thanks for continual reminders. Di 🙂

    1. Cris Post author

      Hi Di,
      Glad my reflections make a difference for you. I write as both teacher and student, wounded healer…. I hope your feeling good today.
      Please remember one thing, You are not alone.

      Be Well,

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