The Greatest Love of All

The Greatest Love of All

As many of you know now, Whitney Houston has passed on, RIP. Lot’s can be said about who she was and how she lived but one thing is certain, she was was a magnificent singer who help transform my life.

Her re-make of The Greatest Love All was my anthem, a fight song for me when I was 16 years old and trying to figure who I was, what I stood for and represent that consistently in my deeds.  I clung to the beauty, poetry and truth in the song. Below is little background from Wikipedia:

“”The Greatest Love of All” is a song written by Michael Masser and Linda Creed and originally recorded by George Benson for the 1977 Muhammad Ali biopic The Greatest. The song was later popularized by Whitney Houston. Creed wrote the lyrics in the midst of her struggle with breast cancer. The words describe her feelings about coping with great challenges that one must face in life, being strong during those challenges whether you succeed or fail, and passing that strength on to children to carry with them into their adult lives. Creed eventually succumbed to the disease in April 1986 at the age of 36; at the time her song was an international hit by Whitney Houston.”

Thank you Michael Masser and Linda Creed for the creation, thank you Muhammad Ali for giving the song form and thank you Whitney Houston for delivering such a master piece.  Regarless of how she lived, she will always be loved and looked at as inncocent child in the eyes of her maker.

Grace flows liberally for all of us,

Coach Cris


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