Today, Boston, The United States, and peace loving citizens from around the planet stood tall and marched right over the cowardice and false doctrines of hate. The determination of the people and the institutions who made today possible have sent waves of love, and hope to people all over the globe.
Although America is very much a work in progress, with sides that are not always flattering, our soul is good, our commitment to freedom firm, and our will to “press on” is as iron clad as ever. America’s determined spirit to stand up for the helpless and her commitment to never stop improving leaves me feeling lucky and immensely blessed to have been born into this way of life.
My heart goes out to those who lost their lives and their limbs last year, know that you are not alone and you are not forgotten. To the heros last year and today who helped carry the torch and save the day(s), and get it done, you made God, the world and your nation very proud.
Lastly, Congratulations to my friend and former opponent Meb K. for his Monumental victory today and for his life time example of what it means to be Champion and an open hearted warrior. You are a true Patriot my brother and you have been inspiring me since 1993.
Train smart, have fun and Never give-up.
Coach Cris

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