Five Pillars Clinic of Lifelong Fitness For Adult Basketball Players™

Hi All,
I’m doing a fund raiser at the Mission Valley Ymca in San Diego this saturday 2/26 @ 2:30.

There are 2 goals
1) Empower aging hoopsters to continue playing the game they love longer and better
2) Raise money for an organization I deeply believe in.

All proceeds will go to the Y’s Annual Campaign.

The clinic will be a learning by doing event and will focus on:
Resistance Training
Core Stability
Cross Training Strategies

The Ymca has provided example, facilities and caring people who stepped into my life early and often.
The event will be video taped, keep an eye out for highlights. We will be doing similar events around the nation later in 2011, I look forward to seeing many of you.

Enjoy your day,
Coach Cris

P. Cris Dobrosielski CPT, CSCS, CMT
Owner/Master Trainer
Monumental Results Inc.
858 232 6116

Small consistent change, over a significant period of time, leads to Monumental Results


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