Not Some Other Day but This Day

Not Some Other Day but This Day

August 1st in my former life (as a kid growing up in New England) meant the beginning of the end of my favorite time of year, kinda like a monday morning of a long weekend, bitter sweet.  As someone whose life kept pace with changing seasons (sports that I played mostly), I was trained to look ahead to the next transition.  This strategy can very helpful when you are needing hope, trying to turn a corner in your life or if you are just trying to survive a rough patch.  The problem is that if the next transition (land mark) is too weighty you miss out on a lot.  So busy thinking about what comes next, not embracing what’s right in front of you.

I’m still very goal driven and my world is filled with little touch stones that help to keep me dreaming and planning and that works for me. I am a romantic and totally nostalgic but  I am also clear that although I have visions and dreams for the future, my feet and my heart need to be  planted in This Day, This Moment.  Summer 2011, is still young enough, embrace every drop of this magnificent time of the year.  Wishing all of my left and right coast  friends the best on this first day of Aug. Be Well, pcd (spike)


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