Thank You Coach

Thank You Coach

Husband, father, grandfather, friend, coach, public servant, advocate, gentleman, critic when necessary (at least in his mind), counselor, exemplar and…the source of some umpires nightmares.

Mr. Ken Cyr was a gift from god to this planet and his life was a gift back to god from one of his greatest kids. He has gone home to the love of his life to hold hands in eternity, leaving  a trail of love, kindness, generosity and tender righteousness.

Coach Cyr drove me, his youngest son Eric and many of our teammates to the YMCA, Lawrence Boys and Girls Club, JCC, Merrimack College and when necessary all over the Merrimack Valley, for years, to find a hoop and a court to work on our game which really meant to work on our dreams. He believed in us more than we did ourselves, and his belief was transformational. He even shoveled the court in his driveway many a time and installed lights so we could shoot free throws in the winter at night.

He was both a sound and studied technical student of the game of basketball and a passionate motivator/poet, whose own enthusiasm for sport, competition and camaraderie was unequalled.

He fed, transported, guided, and put up with me as if I were one of his own.

In both the new and the old testaments it is said that defending the defenseless, comforting the widow, orphan and the stranger are what we are called to do, Ken Cyr did all of that in his job, his relationships and in his daily life.

My deepest condolences to his entire tribe, his loss is as Bruce Springsteen said, is like losing the rain.

Meals, holidays, ordinary days, as if there is such a thing, will never be the same for his kin and those who loved him, however his spirit and example cannot be limited or contained by life in this domain. His profound example,  will continue influencing those who new him as well as their circle, that’s how large and broad an impact this man has made.

Eric, Greg and Chris, I love you and I am a available for you always.

And Mrs Cyr, beautiful Connie, your man is home with you again, enjoy! and we know that you will have our back in what ever way you Can. We will see you in the twinkle of an eye, a good deed done or intense play on the field or on the court.

Rest in eternal peace Coach, thank you for shaping my life,



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